
General Meeting Minutes for 2009

General Membership Meeting Minutes – Jan. 14, 2009

Lion Pres. Diane Dubiel called the meeting to order at 7:08 P.M. at the Knights of Columbus with the Merritton Lions in attendance for our joint exchange club meeting.
After the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, Canadian & American patriotic songs as well as a meal time prayer, the Lions of Grand Island & Merritton sat down to a very good steak dinner.

. After the dinner, Lion Pres. Diane made several announcements.  Hands Across the Border will be held at the Days Inn, Niagara Falls, N.Y. on Jan. 20, 2009 at 6:00 P.M.  Seven Grand Island Lions will be attending.  Lion Pres. Arnold Hartnett of the Merritton Lions announced that their club would hold their 70th anniversary banquet on Feb. 21, 2009.  Cost will be $30 Canadian or $25 U. S. per person and will be held in the Merritton Lions hall.  Past International Director Bruce Murray will be the guest speaker.  Lions and guests attending must RSVP by Feb. 11, 2009.

Lion Pres. Diane announced the Grand Island Lions annual Spaghetti Dinner will be held on March 30, 2009 at the Grand Island Holiday Inn.  Pres. Diane also announced the Special Kids Picnic on July 15, 2009.

Motion made by Lion Dick Planavsky and seconded by Lion Dan Morabito to suspend the business meeting to get to the program.  Motion passed.

Lion Pres. Diane presented Lion Tom DeCarlo his 25th year Lions Club pin.  Lion Tom has actually been a member of the Grand Island Lions for 27 years.

Lion Paul Bassette presented a box of 39 Lions Club pins from various states and countries around the world that late Lion Burt Wixson had collected.  His wife Ruth Wixson gave them to our club to auction or raffle off.  A raffle of $5.00 a ticket was held at the request of Lion Jerry Dubiel.  The winning number was Lion Bob Christmann.  A total of $160 was collected on the raffle.

Lion Pres. Diane announced the next meeting would be held at the B.L.C. on Jan. 28.

Lion Pres. Arnold Hartnett of the Merritton Lions thanked the Grand Island Lions for both clubs getting together.  Another Merritton Lion suggested that we make the joint Grand Island – Merritton Lions Club meeting to be held in March or April because of better weather than in January.  Lion Pres. Diane stated that we would discuss this concern at the next Board of Directors meeting on Jan. 28, 2009.

Meeting adjourned at 8:27 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Paul Bassette, Recording Secretary

Grand Island Lions Club Meeting  Buffalo Launch Club 2/25/09

Pres. Diane called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM
The pledge of allegiance was led by Lion Anne Fahning.
A patriotic song was led by Lion Tom Witkowski.
Prayer was said by Lion Paul Bassette
Lion Henry introduced the guest speakers, Kara Lee and Lynn Sperazza  from the Erie County SPCA.
Motion to release the Tail Twister Bill Wind Sr. was made by Lion Gerry with a second by Lion Tom Witkowski.
I. President’s Report President Diane reported the following:
Five Grand Island Lions attended the 70th. Anniversary of the Merritton Club.
The next meeting 3/11/09 will be at Merritton. Car pool will leave Blockbuster at 5PM.
The phone committee will ask for RSVP when making their calls.
Merritton Annual Bowling Event 3/22 at 10 am and 1pm. 5 person bowling teams $50  
Per team. RSVP 3/08/09.
Barker Lions Club Fundraiser is 3/28 at 6:30 pm Murder Mystery Dinner/Chinese Auction at the Holiday Inn in Lockport. $30 per person. RSVP by 3/15/09.
District governor Jim Muscoriel has nominated the GI club for an International Lions Club Presidential Recognition for its annual Special Kids Picnic project.
Pres. Diane reported that we are utilizing the approved format  from International  to share information in conducting the meetings with the goal to end the meetings by 9pm.
New Member orientation was discussed. Lion Judy Muscoriel  would be happy to conduct an orientation meeting for our club. Lion Bill Wind Sr. will talk to the new members about a social night-get to know you event etc.. He will report at the next meeting.
The 4th of July parade needs a coordinator. Lion Anne will  contact Lion Tom DeCarlo.
The final Cabinet Meeting for this year will be held Saturday,3/28/09 at Holiday Inn, 515 South Transit Rd., Lockport, NY, Registration is 9-10am, Program 10-Noon . Cost $15. Payment by 3/15 to Dist. 20N.
II. Program Presentation.
   The Erie County SPCA ,founded in 1667 is the second oldest in the USA. The original mission was to protect working horses. Today the mission involves domestic animals. The SPCA is funded  by private donations. It has the following departments/services: adoptions, foster care, rescue department, cruelty investigations, humane education to schools etc., and volunteers.
A donation of $50. was made to the SPCA.
 III. Corresponding Secretary’s Report. Lion Kathie reported that she received a Thank-You from the State Education Department for Camp Badger activities.
She has received a  delegate form  for the convention in Minneapolis which must be completed by 5/01/09.
IV. Blind and Charity Meeting 2/19/09 at UNYTS Lion Paul represented the club and reported the following: the Blind and Charity Fund has its monies invested in mutual and bond funds. The local Lions Clubs have committed $35,000 annually to UNYTS from this fund. This year there is $54,083 leaving $19,083 to the local clubs after the UNYTS donation. Grand Island has 5 shares with a value of $156.40/share. President Diane will complete the form for the Club to receive this year’s shares value. Our club received one call from the fund this year.
V. Nominating Committee-Lion Paul will serve as Chair with the following members; Lions Norm, Henry and  Pres. Diane.
VI Spaghetti Dinner March 30, Holiday Inn , 5-8 pm Lion Dick Crawford reminded everyone about the importance of pre-sales of tickets. Volunteers are needed beginning at 10 am for prep and set-up. Volunteers to serve are needed at 4:30 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,

Henry Lobl, acting for Annette Lobl Secretary

Meeting of 3/11/09 @ our sister club, Merritton, ON, CAN, eh!

In attendance was Lions Pres. Diane, Jerry, Fred, Floyd, Sheila, Tom R, Dick C, Dan M, Paul B, Anne, Al, Kathie.
The speaker for the evening was Diana Randall from St. John's Ambulance and she demonstrated with Lion Bill from Merritton the signs/symptoms of a heart attack. The risks being family tree, diet etc.
Then she asked for a volunteer to demonstrate the AED. Portable heart defibrillator which many businesses have, the Lions arena, next door has one; and can be purchased for home use. They run about $1,500 CAN at present time. Lion Kathie volunteered. Of course, many thought that it would mean that Kathie or someone would get zapped with the paddles.
To no avail, Diana had flat line man & the AED coached you thru the whole procedure of giving someone in defib, a charge from machine & Diana told us the proper way to give CPR. Currently the proper technique for giving CPR is 15 chest movements then 2 breaths. This was very informative.
Several members won prizes from the tickets sold and all had a good time.
Dick Crawford made a motion to dispense business meeting for Grand Island Lions Club; seconded by Jerry Dubiel. 
 eting was adjourned shortly after 9:00.
Respectfully submitted, Lion Secy Kathie Norris

Lions Club Meeting 3/25/09

-Split club, names called were John MacNiel, Mark Frentzel & Anne Fahning.
-Our speaker was Jason Bridge from UNYTS Donate for Life. He spoke about
Corneal Transplant that are done here in WNY and is very thankful with the
monies that they receive from The Blind & Charity Fund of Lions Clubs in
our District.
-There is a new procedure used for these corneal transplants that has
significantly reduced the time-line for recovery of this surgery. The new
procedure is called Moria Micro Keratome System. It has only been done in
the past 2 years.
-We are the only site in NYS that has this procedure available. We are
ranked #5 for procedures done out of only 72 in the whole country.
-WNY of all corneal procedures:
2007 252 reg procedure that takes 6 mos to heal. 98 were DSAEK
2008  372  "      232          "    up 62%
Our location does approximately 7 cornea cuts a week.  Nationwide there are
about 45,000 cornea transplants performed each year with many on waiting
list. One good thing about corneas is that you don't have to be a blood
match to get one/two.
-Paul Bassette and the nominating committee have the gathered the Nomination
of Officers Grand Island Lions Club for 2009-2010. They are as follows:
Nominations of Officers Grand Island Lions Club for 2009-2010

President - Henry Lobl
1st Vice President - Dave Chervinsky
 2nd Vice President - Anne Fanning
3rd Vice President - Tom Witkowski
Treasurer - Dick Crawford
Corresponding Secretary - Annette Lobl
Recording Secretary - Donna LaVallee-
Tail Twister - Bill Wind
Lion Tamer - Fred Ruocco
Director - Two Year - Dick Planavsky
 Director - Two Year - Al Ackerman
Director - One Year - Jerry Dubiel
Director - One Year - Norm Hahn
Membership Chair - Paul Bassette
Immediate Past President - Diane Dubiel

Respectfully Submitted,
Lion Paul Bassette, Nominating Committee Chair
March 18,2009

-Lion President Diane asked if their were any nominations from the floor.
None were noted. Al Ackerman made a motion to close nominations, Jerry
Dubiel seconded.
-Correspondence Lion Secy Kathie Norris: Kenmore Lions will be celebrating
80th Anniversary 5/8/09 we are invited to join them @ Sean Patricks,
Getzville. Cash bar @ 6:00, Dinner 7:00. $35.00  Lion Robt Sikorski, Pres.
Niagara Frontier Radio Reading program will be the guest speaker.
Requested donation for their program...sent to finance committee.
-Lion Tom Witkowski noted that: This year marks the 20th Anniversary for
Journey for Sight. Over $132,000 has been raised for this program. This
year's walk will be April 25, @ Tuscarora State Park in Wilson. Reg 10:00,
Journey 11:00. Reg is $15 w/tee, $5:00 w/o tee. Resv thru Lion Tom
Witkowski 773-4437 or liontom20n@roadrunner.com.
-Our next Lions Club meeting will be held in conjunction for the Region 2
ACM meeting, Wednesday April 8th, 7:00 sharp (be careful don't be late,
might be fined)  @ Knights of Columbus Hall, 1841 Whitehaven Rd. G.I. Come
learn & share news, ideas, projects, with fellow Lions. $9.00 gets you a
light dinner of roast beef sandwiches, potato salad, tossed salad, &
coffee or tea. Beer & pop available @ the bar.  Deadline for reserve Friday
4/3.  Note: our club will be voting right before this meeting 6:30 for our
new board, so please plan on attending as this is very important!
-Lion Dick Crawford reminded us that Monday, march 30th was our annual
Spaghetti Dinner and want all to attend to help with this major fundraiser.
Asked to bring baked goods for desserts. Sell tickets.
-Lion Tom Witkowski reported that the young man Dominic Prine has received
equipment that was requested so he can do his schoolwork from home. G. I.
Lions donated $200; Ray Wheeler matched this with another $200. Rob Barbara
- Homestead NYS Community Blind - is awaiting funds for more equipment.
-Paul Bassette has a brochure  about a book that Lions can purchase that
tells the 'History of Lions Club' It can be purchased for $29.95 plus S&H. A
copy was bought by the club & will be passed on with each president.
-Board meeting immediately following. Motion to adjourn by Anne Fahning,
seconded by Jerry Dubiel.

Submitted, Lion Kathie Norris

General Membership Meeting at Buffalo Launch Club
April 22, 2009

Lion Pres. Diane Dubiel called the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M.  This was followed by pledge to the American Flag, a patriotic song and prayer.  Pres. Diane introduced our guest speaker Dr. Darrell Cole, a chiropractor from the Notaro Chiropractic Offices.  Lion Tom Witkowski served as Tail Twister in the absences of Tail Twister Bill Wind.  Drawing for the split club was held with Lion Dick Crawford not drawing the Ace of Spades.  There is now $115 in the split club jackpot.

Lion Pres. Diane made several announcements.
  l. Kids Day will be April 28.  Interested Lions can report at the Knights of Columbus at 6:00 P.M. for coffee and donuts and then get their newspaper positions.
 2. Merritton Lobster Fest. will be May 30 at the Merritton Lions Club House.  Dinner at 7:00 P.M. and we have 10 reserved tickets for our club.  Cost is $65 Canadian and $55 U.S.  Tickets are going fast and if interested contact Glen of the Merritton Lions.
  3. Anniversary Dinners
    (a) Kenmore Lions celebrating their 80th on May 8.  RSVP by April 24.
    (b) Pendleton Lions celebrating their 40th on May 16.  RSVP by May 6.
    (c) Riverside Lions celebrating their 80th on May 20.  RSVP by May 4.
  4. District 20N Cabinet Recognition Dinner at Salvatore’s Italian Gardens on May 29.  RSVP by May 14th.
  5. Pres. Diane announced that she and Lion Jerry will be Florida from May 4-May 28.  Lion 1st V.P. Henry Lobl will preside at the May Lions meetings.
  6. International Heroes Award candidate for nomination from District 20N will be our clubs Special Kids Picnic.  D.G. Jim Muscoreil will make the presentation and the winner will be announced at the Lions International Convention in July at Minneapolis.

After the announcements, Dr. Darrell Cole made his presentation.  He stated that to get rid of pain in parts of ones body is by adjusting the bio-mechanics on the inside.  There is a need to correct mechanics of the spine.  Chiropractic therapy cannot fix everything and it takes multi visits.

After Dr. Cole’s presentation, there were committee reports.
Sunshine Committee – no report
Recycling Committee – Lion Jerry Dubiel reported he sent 2 boxes of empty cartridges a few months ago and as of this date has received no money.  He will have Lion Jim Martin, District 20N Environmental Chair to look into the matter.  If our club is going to continue recycling these empty ink cartridges, Lion Jerry wants to step down and get a new chair for this project.
Spaghetti Dinner Committee – Lion Dick Crawford reported money still coming in from the adds on the placements.  We should end up with a net income between $4800 - $5000 for the event.  There were 375 dinners were sold.

Special Kids Picnic – Lion Annette Lobl reported that Lion Mike Steinagel handed over the Special Kids Picnic books to her and she plans to have the 1st committee meeting in the early part of May.

Old Business – none
New Business – A notice was sent to our Pres. from D.G. 20N Jim Muscoreil on an Extension Workshop hosted by Lions Club International that our District will be holding on May 7 – May 9 at the Barton Hotel and Spa in Lewiston, N.Y.  Among other things, Lions will learn about how to approach and recruit important community leaders.  These methods can assist in building up local clubs.

Next meeting will be May 13 at the Holiday Inn with the winners of our Peace Poster Contest being honored.

Lion Jerry Dubiel moved and seconded by Lion Anne Fahning to adjourn meeting.  Meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Paul Bassette, Recording Secretary

Grand Island Lions Club Meeting, Grand Island Holiday Inn, May 13,2009
Meeting called to order by  Vice-President Henry Lobl at 7:15 PM.
Pledge of Allegiance led by Lion Dick Crawford
Song led by Lion  Dick Witkowski
Prayer led by Lion Paul Bassette
Motion made to release  Tail Twister Bill Wind by Lion Anne with second by Lion Dave. Motion made to excuse Tail Twister by Lion Donna with second by Lion Dan.
Lion Henry turned over the meeting to Lion Paul Bassette who gave an overview of Lions International Peace Poster Contest. Lion Paul mentioned that our club had evaluated 64. Entries. He then introduced the first place winner, Mattee Mitchell and the second place winner, Carly Hand. Mattee received a $100 check and Carly a $50 check. They introduced  members of their families who were in attendance. Then they explained their Peace Poster themes.
Treasurer’s Report  Dick reported that the Club has received $782 of  ourshares from the District 20N Blind and Charity Fund.
Special Kids Picnic. Lion anne mentioned that she had heard rumors that the Buffalo Schools may not be participating this year. Lion Annette noted that she has been in contact with the system for the past month. The issue has to do with the hiring of teachers for split sessions rather than the whole day. This would not allow the use of the teachers and counselors to accompany the students to the picnic. The issue is still in negotiation.
Lion Annette also announced that the first organizing meeting will be held at her house on May 19 at 7PM. Committee Chairs are asked to come.
Scholarship Committee: Lion Paul stated that the committee will meet on May 14 to review 23 applications.
Dominic Project: Lion Dick Witkowski  reported that we have written the check for the purchase of the equipment for this student  with the matching grant of $500 from the Ray Wheeler Foundation . This bring this project to completion.
Journey for Sight:  Lion Tom Rusert recognized Lion Tom Witkowski for chairing this project and raising $7700 for 20N. Club members who participated were Lions Tom Rusert, Dave Chervinsky, Henry and Annette Lobl  and companions Jenny and Penny.
Announcements: Lion Henry announced that there will be a Board meeting following the 5/27 general meeting. There will be a Board Meeting (organizational ) for the new year on Wed. June 24,2009 at 7PM.
Motion to Adjourn made by  Lion John Mc Neil with a second by Lion Al Ackerman.
Respectfully Submitted

Annette Boies-Lobl Secretary:

Grand Island Lions Club Meeting, Buffalo Launch Club, May 27, 2009
Meeting called to order by  Vice-President Henry Lobl at 7:15 PM.
Pledge of Allegiance led by Lion Dick Crawford
Song led by Lion  Al Ackerman
Prayer led by Lion Paul Bassette
Lion Henry introduced Lynn Kinkaid, Asst. Program Coordinator for the Long Term Care Ombudsman Program.
Motion made to release Acting  Tail Twister Fred Ruocco by Lion Dick Crawford with second by Lion Floyd Doring. Motion made to excuse Tail Twister by Lion Tom Rusert with second by Lion Dan Morabito
Lynn Kinkaid discussed the Ombudsman Program, operated  by the Red Cross ,through a contract with Erie County Department of Senior Services. This program acts as an advocate for residents in long term care facilities. It investigates complaints and acts as a mediator for these residents with the facility. The program trains Volunteers in a 36 hour  program to act as advocates as well as staff performing these functions. This program will also make referrals to the State Health Department when there is care issues. Lynn stated that 99% of the time the complaints result from a breakdown in communication. There are currently 75 Ombudsmen in 41 Nursing Homes.
Correspondence:  Lion Henry mentioned the correspondence received which was deferred to the Board Meeting for action.
Scholarship Committee: Lion Paul reported that there were 23 applications. Four seniors were awarded Scholarships whose names will be announced at graduation.
Special Kids Picnic: Lion Annette mentioned that to date there is no decision regarding the Buffalo Public Schools participation. Lion Paul suggested that we consider inviting the New York State School for the Blind. Lion Annette will contact them.
New Business:
Lion Floyd requested that a donation of a roll of tickets be made to the Fathers’ Day
lawnmower race which will benefit the Cancer Relay for Life Race. Referred for the Board meeting.
Lion Kathie Norris was congratulated on the birth of her twin grandsons who arrived early but are doing well.
Next Meeting is June 10 at the Holiday Inn with the installation of the new member Brooks Rimes as well as the new officers and board.
Motion to Adjourn made by  Lion  Kathie, 2nd by Lion Dan
Respectfully Submitted

Annette Boies-Lobl Secretary:

Grand Island Lions Club Meeting September 09, 2009

Attendance: (23 in attendance) Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Diane Dubiel, Jerry Dubiel, Dick Crawford,  Dave Chervinsky, Bill Wind, Paul Bassette,  Dick Planavsky, Tom Witkowski, Donna Lavallee, Anne Fahning, Tom Rusert, Shelia Ferrentino, Mike Steinagel, Fred Ruocco, Dan Morabito, Bob Christmann, Al Ackerman, Brooks Rimes, Floyd Doring, Earl DeGlopper, Norm Hahn.
Lion President Henry Lobl called the meeting to order at 7:07 PM. 
Split club:  Dick Crawford;  Total of $141, Lion Jerry Dubiel selected the King of Diamonds, the split club will roll to the next meeting.
Presidents Report:  Six meetings do not have a speaker; 1/2710, 2/24/10, 3/10/10, 4/14/10 4/28/10, 5/12/10.  LP Henry asked the members to volunteer to speak on their businesses or to find a speaker that would be of interest to the club.  Tom Witkowski made a suggestion that we have a field trip to The Ross Eye Institute to tour the facility, and meet for dinner at a local establishment.  Suggestion of 4/28/10 for this meeting.  Members were asked to review their club commitments for standing committees that are listed in the member handbook.  If you feel that you would like to be involved in a committee, please contact committee chairs. Service to the community; Lion Al Ackerman suggested a talk at GI Senior Center. 
Treasurer’s report: Dick Crawford; Money is still coming in for membership   We have a couple of thousand in the general fund.  White cane brought in $1850, we need more club involvement in this.  A suggestion was made to have more student involvement from GIHS seniors to complete their government service hours.  Suggestion for carrying out the white cane sale twice a year was made. Discussion was had regarding this; consensus says that once a year should be sufficient.  Lion Brooks Rimes mentioned that IHA does a Friday “dress down”  day.  The donations from the staff goes to a local charity, Brooks will look into this for us as a possible fund raiser.  We are still receiving bills for the SKP.  General budget does have a bit of a short fall.  Fund raiser ideas are welcome.
Annette Bois-Lobl;  Bon Ton, Annette stopped at Summit Park Store to inquire about participating at that store.  25 books are available.  The Community Days are on November 14, 2009.  Shifts may be available to sell books at Bon Ton.
Corresponding Secretary:  Lion Annette; Nothing to report other than a number of requests have been made for donations, these will be reviewed by the board of directors.
Membership:  Lion Paul Bassette;  Lion Paul reported on the ideas that he gained from attending the summer district meeting in West Seneca.   Key item; current club members need to come up with a pool of potential new members.  Members will come up with a prospective list of names the club will draft a letter inviting these prospective members to the Lions Club meeting on 10/28 with 2 or 3 speakers to tell these people what Lions Club is all about.   Letter would include details about how we serve, who are members, etc.  This method could possibly be an effective way to grow membership in our club.  Prospecting lists were passed out all members present at the meeting.
Sunshine Committee: Sunshine Committee, Lion Mike Steinagel sympathy card for Lion Dick Planavsky and get well soon card to Lion Mike Kelly.
Zone report:  Tom Witkowski;  GI, Town of Wheatfield, Pendelton and the Tonawanda Lions Clubs comprise our zone. 
Community Needs assessment (CNA) will be addressed to reach out to the leaders of our community. 
Photo Screening, we have 4000 kids in our zone that have not been screened at all.  It is our duty as Lions to pursue photo screening at each club in our zone.  Lion Shelia and Lion Henry have volunteered for this. 
Sight Night, we need to get more kids involvement in the event.  Kids can drop off a letter the week before Halloween that they will be also collecting eyeglasses and hearing aids on Halloween night. The country needs 26 million eyeglasses to be donated this year.  Perhaps we can get the message out the schools for more kid involvement. 
DG newsletter clubs or Lions can place ads at 50% off. DG has a grant to support a billboard to increase awareness at the cabinet level.
Programs:  Diabetes awareness month, Lion Henry We will co sponsor the event, with the Knights of Columbus and Mount St. Mary’s Hospital, Lion Shelia will help with the promotion of this event.  The Diabetes awareness and screening will be held on November 15, 2009.  The event will be at the Knights of Columbus.  More information to follow.
 Old Business:  Jerry Dubiel;  Tail twister fines should be limited to $1, can the board check on this in the  by-laws and constitution.
 New Business:  Lion Fred: Discussion regarding the low number of participants at the SKP. Should the club research perhaps changing the day.  Lion Bob Christmann suggested that we speak to the superintendent in Buffalo to see if  we can rectify this situation.  The club decided to not become politically involved in the teacher union position this past summer.  Perhaps we can work on this in December and January.  Lion Bob Christmann and Lion Bill Wind will coordinate this effort.
Lion Al Ackerman:  Meeting nights are reversed in the newsletter.  First meeting is at the Holiday Inn, second meeting is at the BLC.
Meeting adjourned: Motion to adjourn Lion Jerry seconded Lion Paul meeting adjourned 9:00 PM.
Next meeting will be September 23, 2009 at the Buffalo Launch Club

Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club Meeting September 23, 2009

Attendance: (22 in attendance) Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Diane Dubiel, Jerry Dubiel, Dick Crawford, Bill Wind, Paul Bassette, Tom Witkowski, Donna Lavallee, Anne Fahning, Tom Rusert, Shelia Ferrentino, Fred Ruocco, Colby Smith, Mark Dunbar, Denise Dunber, Al Ackerman, Floyd Doring, Earl DeGlopper, Norm Hahn. 2 guests; Nancy Luckman, & PDG John Luckman

Lion President Henry Lobl called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM.  

Lion Tom Witkowski introduced our speaker Nancy Luckman of Gasport Lions Club who will speak on Diabetes.

Program:  Nancy Luckman 20 N Diabetes Coordinator and member of the Gasport Lions Club.
Lion Nancy presented on Diabetes.  International Lions Clubs support Diabetes by walk fundraisers.  Lion Clubs could cooperatively participate in hosting a walk.  Lions Clubs could also sponsor a health fair, however, the club must pay for the handouts.  A local store may allow the club to hand out information in November, Diabetes Awareness month.  LP Henry will meet tomorrow with Mt. St Mary’s Hospital officials on our joint Diabetes screening to be on November 14, 2009 at the Knights of Columbus. Involvement in child awareness also so very important, particularly with Diabetes Type II.  An idea for a Health Fair for kids sponsored possibly by a Girl or Boy Scout Troop. Every club should have a Diabetic chair person;  Lion Shelia will take on this role in our club.

Split club:  Dick Crawford; Total of $150, Lion Donna Lavallee selected the Ace of Hearts, the split club will roll to the next meeting.

Corresponding Secretary:  Lion Annette.  The club has received a number of publications that are displayed on the table for club review.  We have also received a number of requests for donations that will be reviewed by the board.

Committee Reports:  Lion Tom W.  Sight Night 10/31/09.  Lion Tom will meet with the managers at Tops in order to pass out information to the kids at Tops the week before.  Lion Tom has Boy Scout troops helping to pass out information, Lion Fred will dress up as the Lion and Lion Shelia and Lion Dick, Lion Annette will also help.  Tom has an idea to string together all eyeglasses together for a dramatic display.  Time TBA. 

Membership:  Lion Paul Bassette;  Stuffing envelopes for UNYTS, October 17, 2009, Lions Norm, Henry, Annette, Paul and Diane have volunteered for this service. We have compiled 8 names for prospective members to be invited to a meeting.  Lion Paul has developed a letter and will work on a brief presentation to be presented to the prospective members.  Lion Dick will speak on Spaghetti Dinner, SKP- Lion Annette, Loan Closet – Lion Fred.  Lion Tom will present on a Community Needs Assessment.  Phone committee should stress that current members should make every effort to attend this very important meeting.

Bon Ton:  We have sold 26 books and Lion Annette has picked up 25 more.  We need to sell 40 books to included in the November sale profit sharing.

ACM (Advisory Council Meeting) meeting:  Lion Tom:  ACM meeting 10/06/09 at Fanny’s Restaurant on Sheridan Drive cost is $20.  ACM meetings hold a roundtable discussion on the status of the local Lions Club.  Future meetings may be held at Wheatfield Lions Club to keep cost down.

Old Business:  Henry Lobl;  LP Henry read from the club constitution regarding fines. There was no violation from the tail twister at the last meeting.  LP Henry addressed on whether or not Lou Macro was not being paid for services. LP Henry spoke to Lou and he indicated that he is up to date with any invoices that he has submitted.  The one-year were funds were short. Lou donated some of his services. However, there were no outstanding invoices
New Business:
· Lion Paul Peace Poster Contest, we need judges for the Peace Poster, Lion Diane, Lion Norm, Lion Dan, Lion Paul and Lion Donna will judge these posters near the end of October.
· Charter Night for the Lewiston Lions Club in November, Lion Nancy Luckman will forward this information.
· Lion Diane- Lion Jerry will be honored as the immediate past Grand Knight as the Knights of Columbus.  Lion Diane invited all Lions to this November 7 dinner; details will be in the newsletter.  The dinner will be at the KOC hall, cocktails 6:00 dinner at 7:00 approximate cost $20
· Lion Henry:  October 7, 2009.  The Lions have been invited to the GI Chamber of Commerce to discuss a SEQR (State Environmental Quality Review) Act at the BLC. The Chamber is seeking community leaders who are interested in land and property development on Grand Island.    Lion Dick and Lion Henry will be attending others are invited.   Cost $15 dinner buffet.
· Lion Dick, The town did receive a grant from NYS of million dollars for asbestos removal at the old Dunlop Building.
· Lion Jerry:  10/02, 10/03, and 10/04.  KOC is celebrating 50 years with Happy Hour for 7-9 10/02 with drink prices from 1959.  Dinner on 10/03 is sold out; Sunday 10/104 is an open house from 1-4.

Meeting adjourned: Motion to adjourn Lion Jerry seconded y Lion Anne meeting adjourned 8:50 PM.

Next meeting will be October 14, 2009 at the Knights of Columbus
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club Meeting October 14, 2009
Joint meeting with the Merriton’s at the Knights of Columbus

Attendance: 27 (in attendance)Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Jerry Dubiel, Dick Crawford,  Dave Chervinsky, Bill Wind, Paul Bassette, Tom Witkowski, Donna Lavallee, Brooks Rimes, Mike Steinagel, Fred Ruocco, Dan Morabito, Al Ackerman, 13 Merriton Members

Lion President Henry Lobl called the meeting to order at 7:20 PM. 
Presidents Report:  New Business;
· Jerry Dubiel:  On 11/07 there will a dinner honoring Jerry as past Grand Knight at the Knights of Columbus.  All Lions Club members are invited.
· Sight Night - Tom W.  We are celebrating our 5th annual Sight Night, children collect used eyeglasses and hearing aids.  Lions Tom, Fred, Annette  and Henry will be at Tops the weekend before Halloween to hand out information to the children.  We have collected over 4000 pairs of glasses thus far.
· Lion Paul:  Stuffing envelopes for the Blind and Charity Fund, Norm, Henry and Annette, Al will go this Saturday morning at 8:30, back 12:30.
· Approximately 30 letters have been sent out for prospective members, follow up phone calls will be made.  Annette, will present on SKP, Lion Fred; Loan closet, Lion Dick Spaghetti Dinner Members who would like Bon Ton books should see Lion Annette.
· Diabetes Screening, Lion Shelia will begin to do advertising for this event.  Next meeting members will be asked to sign up to help.
 Split club:  Dick Crawford; Total of $156, Lion Dave Chervinsky selected the nine of diamonds, the split club will roll to the next meeting.

Corresponding Secretary:  Lion Annette; Nothing to report other than a number of requests have been made for donations, these will be reviewed by the board of directors.

Meeting adjourned: Motion to adjourn Lion Al seconded Lion Tom W. meeting adjourned 8:13 PM.

Next meeting will be October 28, 2009 at the Buffalo Launch Club
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club Meeting October 28, 2009

Attendance: (22 in attendance) Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Diane Dubiel, Dick Crawford, Paul Bassette, Tom Witkowski, Donna Lavallee, Anne Fahning, Tom Rusert, Shelia Ferrentino, Fred Ruocco, Mark Dunbar, Denise Dunber, Al Ackerman, Dan Moabite, Dave Chervinsky, Bill Wind, Dick Planavsky, Mike Steinagel, Bob Christmann, two guests, Pete Parisi, Kevin Slachciak
Lion President Henry Lobl called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. 
Split club:  Dick Crawford; Total of $167, Lion Diane Dubiel did not select the Ace of Spades the split club will roll to the next meeting.
Lion Bob Christmann:  Reported on the capital improvements campaign in the school district.  Included are an update of the heating and cooling systems in the district schools and buildings.  Expansion at the High School: The building has essentially not changed since 1963, specifically the science and technology classrooms.  An engineering program in collaboration with RIT has been developed at the High School.  Presently there are 320 students in pre engineering program at the High School.  The Library will be expanded as well as updates to the Gym and Auditorium.  A new entrance will be constructed to secure the entrance to the building.    A pamphlet was distributed to the Lions Club members regarding the Capital Improvements.  Members were encouraged to vote on Tuesday 11/17/09.
Lion Tom Witkowski:  Community Needs Assessments (CNA).  Lion Tom addressed the need for service organizations to serve the community in meaningful ways.  Our club needs to find out what other services local organizations are providing to the community.  The focus should be on service not fundraising.  Our focus should also be on collaborating our efforts with other local service groups. A CNA will help focus our Club’s efforts that will directly benefit the community without a duplication of services.  Perhaps a joint meeting of local clubs would be beneficial. Our club will be able to demonstrate our leadership in the community. 
To begin a CNA; 
· The idea will be presented to the board, and then a committee will be formed.
·  Key people in the community will be contacted to assess the needs in the area.  Lion Tom’s presentation was made available to the club.
Lion President Henry:  A new Lions brochure has been developed that demonstrates the different ways that our Club serves.  The brochure will be posted on the website. 
Corresponding Secretary:  Lion Annette.  The Bon Ton Community Days, we are still selling booklets.  Pre Sale purchases are available for this event per a letter from Bon Ton.  The presale is the entire week prior to the 14th of November.  Eyeglass dropped off on Sheridan Drive; Tony Zappia’s glasses can be accepted only on sealed boxes.                           
Peace Poster Contest:  60 posters will be judged at Lion Paul’s house on 10/29/09.
New Business:
· Lion Paul has been contacted regarding eyeglass drop off sites.  We need to get the word out regarding the collection stations.  The Club needs publicity regarding this, Isle de Grande and banner, photos in the dispatch.
· Diabetes Screening:  Lion Shelia has contacted local business and organizations.  The event is 11/15/09 between 9 AM and 1 PM at the Knights of Columbus. GI Lions Club, Knights of Columbus and St Mary’s will be working together.   Volunteers are needed for registration, refreshments, etc., contact Lions Shelia if you would like to volunteer.  Lion Shelia will be distributing flyers to local business and organizations. We need people to attend this event, get the word out.  Lion Dick C will look into a message board.
· SEQR State Environment Quality Review - Lion Dick briefly spoke about the SEQR meeting.
Motion to adjourn Lion Dick seconded by Lion Mark meeting adjourned 8:58 PM.
Next meeting will be November 11, 2009 at the Holiday Inn
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
November 11, 2009

Attendance: 19 (in attendance) Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Jerry Dubiel, Diane Dubiel, Dick Crawford, Dave Chervinsky, Bill Wind, Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee, Brooks Rimes, Mike Steinagel, Fred Ruocco, Dan Morabito, Al Ackerman, Shelia Ferrentino, Anne Fahning, Floyd Doring, Tom Witkowski, Debra Hoffman
Lion President Henry Lobl called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM. 
Announcements:  LP introduced Debra Hoffman a certified Diabetes educator from Mt St. Mary’s Hospital.
· Lion Dick Crawford invited the Lions to attend the Veterans Day Ceremony at Veterans Park next year.
 ·Lion Paul distributed the new Lions Club brochures to the membership.
Lion Dick:  Split club, $187, Lion Tom Witkowski was chosen, 5 of clubs was drawn.
Presentation: Debra Hoffman, certified diabetic educator, registered dietician, employee of Mt. St. Mary’s Hospital presented on Diabetes.  November is Diabetes awareness month. Questions were distributed to the members for discussion regarding diabetes, risk factors, myths and disease problems associated with diabetes.  Debra will assist us at the Diabetes Screening on November 15 from 9-1 PM at the Knights of Columbus.  The screening will involve a finger prick and possibly another test depending on the results of the finger prick test.
Correspondence:  Bon Ton community days, Saturday 11/14.
Committee Reports: 
· Sight Night - 1061 eyeglasses, 16 hearing aids, 65 batteries, talking clock, talking watch were collected from GI.   Lion Tom dropped off the eyeglasses at Southside trucking, so far 350,000 eyeglasses have been collected from district 20 N this year.
· Sunshine committee: Lion Mike:  A card went out to Lion John McCarthy.
· We have received a total of $995 in memory of Lion Mike Kelly.  The money is in the welfare account.
· Peace Poster:  We had 60 entries, the winner was selected at the district meeting on 11/7.
· Envelopes will be coming for the annual Lions Blind and Charity Fund, ½ of the money donated comes back to our club to go into the welfare account.
Presidents Report:  New Business;
· District Governor has nominated Erie County as the host for Journey for Sight.  This year the event will be on Grand Island at Beaver Island State Park.  Date and beneficiary TBA in April 2010.
  ·Lion Mike:  Motion that the board consider a posthumous Melvin Jones for Lion Mike Kelly  Seconded by Lion Floyd.
 ·Lion Fred;  Christmas Party, December 9, at the Holiday Inn.  Spouses are invited; the cost is $20 per person.

Meeting adjourned: Motion to adjourn Lion Jerry seconded Lion Tom W. meeting adjourned 8:47 PM.

Next meeting will be December 9, 2009 at the Holiday Inn
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee
